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Introduction to Charting
Introduction to Charting

An introduction to the Charting page in LocusNOC

Locus Energy avatar
Written by Locus Energy
Updated over 6 years ago

The charting tool is a highly flexible application that allows users to chart measured, modeled, and expected data from their solar systems. It is the primary tool for visualizing performance and troubleshooting issues.

Saving and Sharing Charts

The URL structure of the Charting Tool captures the state of the Chart. This feature allows users to save Charts in the browser as bookmarks or share the URL with colleagues. Simply copy the URL and share it with anyone that has LocusNOC login access. This URL structure also enables the browser's back and forward navigation to easily view previous Charts.


Interacting with the Charting Tool

When opening the Charting Tool from the Overview page using the Quick Links for a specific site, the Chart will automatically display AC Power for the site that you have selected. This can be modified by using the charting elements described below.


The Search-Browse Pane

The Search-Browse Pane allows users to search for and select any desired elements from their fleet. Clients and sites can be expanded or collapsed to navigate through all levels of the Site Hierarchy. The search box allows for searching by full or partial client username, client last name, client first name, site name, component name, node id (colon separated), client notes, and component notes.



The Search-Browse Pane also allows users to Multi-Select components from each site, as well as select components from multiple sites at once. To select multiple components at once, you can use the two Quick-Select buttons that appear to the right of each entity in the Search-Browse Pane. The button to the left will select all like components under an entity (siblings), and the button to the right will select all like components under a site (cousins).

The Data-Available Pane

After selecting elements from the Search-Browse Pane, the Data-Available Pane will load a list of available data fields for the selected elements. This includes options for Measured, Modeled, and Expected data, where applicable. Multiple data fields can be selected here and pressing the ADD button will add those data series to the Chart. After adding to the Chart, the Data-Available Pane will be hidden, but it can be accessed again, by clicking the Show Data Available button below the Search-Browse Pane. Note that Normalized AC Power and Normalized AC Energy have been added as Modeled data fields.

The Toolbar and Datepicker Buttons

The Toolbar provides some helpful functionality to interface with the Chart. From left to right starting at the top bar, you can change the timezone, navigate to the next set of data points based on chosen time frame, view in the old Charting Tool, download the Chart in CSV or print the Chart, show/hide alerts, or clear the entire Chart. The date/time selection interface appears when you select Update in the second row of the Toolbar.

From left to right, you can change the time frame, see the applicable dates and change them, as well as see and change the granularity.

The Chart

The Chart will display the data series you have added. Hover over the Chart to see a Tooltip displaying values for each data series. Clicking and dragging anywhere on the Chart will zoom in by updating the date range of the Chart. Use the browser navigation to return back to the previous state of the Chart.


The Legend

Anything added to the Chart will also appear in the Legend, with basic information about each data series. The left portion of each data series in the Legend contains buttons to remove the data series, display as a line Chart, display as a bar Chart, or hide/show the data series. The Legend can also be hidden by using the Hide Legend button in the bottom right corner.



Alerts in the Charting Tool provide visual access to all Alerts for a given data series. Each Alert popup contains information about the component and details of the Alert, such as start and end time. Closed Alerts are indicated with grey icons, and open Alerts are indicated with red icons. Each alert icon contains an indicator for the type of alert:

  • s = System Disconnect

  • z = Zero Generation

  • f = Fault

  • p = Performance Index

  • d = String Performance

  • # = multiple alerts occurring at the same time for a component

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