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Add/Edit Site

How to add a new site or edit an existing site in LocusNOC

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Written by Locus Energy
Updated over a week ago

The configuration page allows the user to leverage the highly customizable features of LocusNOC. Beyond adding new sites, users can input metadata, set alerts and diagnostics, create tags, customize advanced model settings, and provide agency access.

Add Site

1. To add a site in LocusNOC, click on the Config route in the header
2. Then in the side-bar-pane click the “Add Site” button

3. Input basic information about the site.

  • Site Name: the name of the site, which appears on the Overview page and Search-Browse Pane.

  • Location: Enter the address in the Location bar, and google search will help locate it for you.

4. Finally click “Save Site” at the bottom of the page

Note: By default only the site name will appear in the search-browse pane. The client first and last name will appear if they are changed from the default.

Basic Info

Once you have initially saved a site the name and address will appear in the Basic Info tab. You can edit the name and location settings at any time through this tab.


Tags are unique fields that you can add to a site. Tags are searchable in the search-browse field, and are useful in created groups based on text fields.

Install Info

Fill in additional installation-related information for the site.

Installer, Install Crew, Install Date, PTO date are metadata fields that have no bearing on site analysis.

Startup date does effect when Energy Expectations and VI are available for the site.

If input, Startup date will prorate Energy Expectations for the first month. See the Energy Expectations section below for further explanation.

If a site has measured data or a startup date configured VI will select the earlier date and backfill starting that month. If a site has neither measured data or a startup date, it will not have VI.

PV Model Settings

This tab allows you to configure a site-level PV Model, if applicable.
See the article on PV Model settings for more information.

Energy Expectations

The Energy Expectations tool allows you to upload up to 30 years of site-level monthly energy expectations data.

Upon upload, you will receive an upload success response or a description of errors in the file.

After uploading energy expectations data, you may view, export, update and delete the existing expectations within the Energy Expectations tab. To update expectations, export the data, make edits, and then re-upload.

Note: Monthly energy expectation values are summed to provide annual values.

Note: Energy Expectations are prorated from the user-input startup date. If there is any expectation data provided for the months prior to the startup date it will be ignored. The month of the provided startup date is prorated based on the number of days remaining in the month after startup. If a startup date is not provided then all energy expectations are included by default.

Note: Uploading a new csv will overwrite existing data.

Insolation Expectations

Insolation expectations are user added values, specific to the site. Once added, the insolation expectations will become available in the charting tool, reports, and the data API. Insolation expectations are also used in calculating IEER.

Note: In the Data API they will appear as Expected Insolation(Ih_e_sum)

IEER Settings

Configuring IEER (Insolation-adjusted Expected Energy Ratio) allows you to control the inputs for measured and expected insolation that go into this site-level insolation-adjusted performance ratio.

Please see the IEER article for information on configuration.

Agency Access

  1. Select a partner from the dropdown list.

  2. Click “Grant Agency Access”

You can remove Agency Access by clicking the “X” to the left of the partner name. A single site can be agencied to multiple partners. If you do not see the desired partner in the dropdown contact and they will link your account with the desired partner.

Configure Client View

This section allows you to update information for the end client and their login portal.  

The LocusNOC app will create a default client along with the creation of a site.  This default client will not display within the Search-Browse Pane of LocusNOC if you do not update it from the original default created. If you wish to configure this for an end user and display the client name on the search-browse pane, you can update the information in this section.  Otherwise, it may be ignored.

You can change the client password to the clientview by clicking the “Change Password” box.

The timezone will affect the charts timezone on the clientview.

The rest of the settings for the clientview are best configured on SolarNOC at this time. These control the functionality and benefit rates for the clientview, and allow the user to upload a custom image.


In order for a site to have VI enabled it requires:

  1. VI is enabled for your partner portal.

  2. The site has a geolocate-able address in the Continental US and Hawaii, or Asia.

  3. Measured data or an input Startup Date. If a site has measured data or a Startup Date configured VI will select the earlier date and backfill starting that month.

Newly added sites can take up to a week to backfill and VI data may lag by 24 hours, which is determined by the availability of the Satellite data

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