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Release Notes

Details of every release to LocusNOC

Locus Energy avatar
Written by Locus Energy
Updated over 6 years ago

LocusNOC 2019.02.13 Release


  • Bug fix - Client users with a bad password were not routed to correct error message

  • Bug fix - Resolved issue where an active session would incorrectly be logged out due to timeout

Energy Expectations

  • Bug fix - Unable to upload new energy expectations

LocusNOC 2019.02.06 Release


  • Implemented new authentication system with new login screen

LocusNOC 2019.01.17 Release


  • Saved Filters + Notifications - Updated incorrectly named column

  • Added “Export to CSV” functionality to the Alert table

Latest Data

  • Bug fix - Sites with a large numbers of components might appear to freeze when loading the latest data page

Graphical Reports

  • Bug fix - Graphical reports intermittently fail to save

LocusNOC 2019.01.10 Release

Dashboard and Graphical Reports

  • Table widgets now support up to (5) datapoints


  • Bug fix - IEER Config page might not be able to load if a previously configured weather station component was deleted from the hierarchy.

  • Bug fix - Attempting to add a new site with an incorrect address could lead to a partially created “undefined” site. 

  • Bug fix - Site hierarchy (Side Bar Pane) would not always show newly added components when navigating to other areas of the platform. 

LocusNOC 2018.12.13 Release

Graphical Reports

  • Added (3) default graphical reports that are available at the site level: 

  • Monthly Energy - The monthly energy report contains a chart of the last month energy, total energy for the last month, and a daily table of energy produced at daily granularity.

  • Monthly Performance - The monthly performance report contains a chart and table of Measured Energy, Modeled Energy, and Performance Index as well as a chart and table of Measured and Expected Energy for the last month at daily granularity.  Note: if your site has weather-adjusted expectations enabled, the report will use this for the expectations.

  • Yearly Performance - The yearly performance report contains a chart and table of Measured Energy, Modeled Energy, and Performance Index as well as a chart and table of Measured and Expected Energy for the last 12 months at monthly granularity.  Note: if your site has weather-adjusted expectations enabled, the report will use this for the expectations.

  • Bug fix - fixed rendering issue that would sometimes cause data in table widgets to display the incorrect timeframe 


  • Bug fix - fixed intermittent issue with how tooltips were displayed in the legend

LocusNOC 2018.11.15 Release


  • Running reports no longer clears the data series added. This will allow users to run multiple similar reports in a row without needing to remake selections.  Users can still clear individual sections, clear all data points, or refresh the page to begin a fresh report.


  • Added more hover-over tooltip with more significant figures to calculated numbers (sum/avg/max) in the legend.  


  • Component descriptions now support up to 500 characters, similar to SolarNOC

  • Removed trashcan icon from pages other than Basic Info to alleviate accidental deletion of sites and components.


  • Bug fix - Refreshing dashboards would occasionally result in a malformed chart.

LocusNOC 2018.10.03 Release


  • Bug fix - Site Configuration >  IEER settings didn’t always display the most up-to-date configuration accurately

LocusNOC 2018.08.23 Release


Company Logos can now be uploaded via the Settings page.  

  • From here, you can also assign a logo for use in the LocusNOC header - this logo will be seen by all users of your company. 

  • Logos can also be applied to Graphical Reports (more below).


  • The ability to add a logo to the report

  • The ability to add some additional header text (recipient details, report content details, etc)

  • The ability to add more than 2 widgets.  The new interface will allow you to continue to add additional widgets and will now allow you to add new widgets in between existing widgets throughout the report.  Widgets will automatically stretch across multiple pages as needed.

  • Table widgets, Text widgets, and Alert widgets will now automatically expand across multiple pages to provide the entirety of the included data.

Graphical Reports can also be saved to automatically send via email on a regular schedule.

LocusNOC 2018.08.09 Release


  • Users can now acknowledge and add comments to alerts in bulk when viewing site or component level alerts.  Select the checkboxes on the left of each alert row to perform actions on multiple alerts at once (this can be streamlined by utilizing the alert filters to narrow down the listed alerts within the table, then clicking the checkbox in the table header to select all).  Only users with read/write access to the component can perform these actions.  Actions are readable across all users in all companies with access to the component.

LocusNOC 2018.08.01 Release


  • We have introduced Intercom: a new way to learn about LocusNOC, reach out for help, and provide feedback to our team.

Have a question?  Start a conversation with our support team.

Quickly search documentation
or link directly to

View Training Videos on all the various pages of the application.

Link directly to our Release Notes to see LocusNOC updates as they happen.

See the current Status of our platform health and uptime.

Provide feedback
to our team through a new conversation.


  • Users can now acknowledge and add comments to alerts in LocusNOC.  Check out these new features from the Alerts page.  Currently, only users with read/write access to the component can perform these actions.  Actions are readable across all users in all companies with access to the component.

LocusNOC 2018.07.12 Release


  • Improved performance for Overview page.

  • Performance Ratio labels for PI/EER/GEER/IEER are shown in the Overview table - this is particularly helpful to distinguish sites configured to show monthly IEER instead of GEER.

Latest Data

  • Quick links added to site latest data to quickly navigate to the Charting or Configuration page for any component.

  • Node IDs are now listed in the table for quick reference.  Equipment OEM/Model are still listed within the tooltip next to each component name.  

  • AC Energy Today for each component is now a column in the table.  This metric will be shown for any components that measure energy.


  • The Owner company name will now be listed in the configuration forms for any sites/components that are not directly owned in the Locus platform.  This previously stated "You do not have access" but will now also show the name of the Owner company as part of that message.  


LocusNOC 2018.07.05 Release


  • Rendering within mobile browsers has been improved for LocusNOC.  This gives users a better experience when needing to access LocusNOC from a mobile device or tablet.


LocusNOC 2018.06.25 Release


  • API credentials for any customer-created apps built on the Locus Energy External API are now available to view via the User Settings page, accessible from the user dropdown in the upper right of the page.  Please note that this information is only available when logged in via the master admin partner account.

LocusNOC 2018.04.18 Release


  • We have made some modifications to the User dropdown in the upper right. This now includes the link back to SolarNOC, in addition to the existing User Settings and Logout functionality. Please note that we plan to begin to remove functionality from SolarNOC over time and will eventually remove access to this old interface.


  • Graphical Reports have been released and can be found next to Data Extracts on the Reports page sub-menu. These reports allow users to setup customizable visual reports that utilize our set of widget options from Dashboards and are easily printed or emailed. The reports can be scheduled to send on a recurring basis, making it easy to send a daily/weekly/monthly report to key stakeholders with a one time setup.  Please see the Reports documentation for additional information.


  • We have removed the old charting tool from the interface.


LocusNOC 2018.04.05 Release


  • Saved Alert Filters and Email Notifications have been added to LocusNOC, allowing users to view and manage any new or existing notifications from the new interface.  As part of this release, all existing working filters and notifications have been migrated to LocusNOC.  Any saved filters or notifications that were non-functional (referenced a client, site, or group that no longer existed or was empty) were not migrated.  Saved Filters + Notifications can be accessed from the Alerts submenu and may be saved with or without email notifications to allow users to save them as Filters to be viewed in the UI or as Email Notifications to be sent out to recipients as alerts occur.  Please refer to the full documentation article here for more information.  


LocusNOC 2018.03.21 Release


  • Overview now has two views, the original table view as well as a new map view.  To switch to map view, click on the map pin for "View style" in the overview header.  Selecting a pin in map view will show you the same row of data across the top that can be seen in table view.

  • The optional column for Performance Index is now available for three different timeframes: Previous Hour, Today, or Yesterday.  To add the Performance Index column, select the gear icon in the upper right corner of the Overview header and select which columns you prefer to see in the table.  

Latest Data

  • Auto-refresh for latest data is now available at 15-minute and 5-minute intervals.  To change from the default 15-minute interval, click the dropdown and switch to 5-minute. 


LocusNOC 2018.03.07 Release


  • Alerts are now available at the group level.  This can be accessed from Dashboard alert widgets as well as from the Alerts page.  This allows users to view alerts for a set portfolio of sites.

User Settings

  • User management is now part of LocusNOC.  From the upper right of the page, users can select a dropdown from their username to Logout from LocusNOC and access user settings.  Admin users can update the settings of any user, while individual users can only update themselves.


LocusNOC 2018.02.21 Release


  • Alert links from Alert Summary widgets have been added and now link directly to the alerts page, filtered by alert type.  


  • Alerts can now be filtered by alert priority.  


  • Aggregated production and expectation data from fleet/group levels can now be plotted in the charting interface.  This also allows Charting links from fleet/group dashboards to work properly.  

  • Chart timeframe interface can now be opened by clicking on any of the elements in the chart timeframe header, such as the timeframe, start/end dates and times, or granularity.  

  • Minor adjustment to the legend for clearer separation of series and more space for text.


LocusNOC 2018.02.07 Release


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the header tooltips in the Overview table from loading. 


  • Increased Dashboard chart widget limit from 10 to 30 data series.  Sometimes viewing all that data in a smaller chart can be difficult so please take advantage of the Charting link in the upper right of each chart widget that allows you to quickly jump to the Charting interface with the same data already plotted.   


  • When applying filters to the Alerts table, this information will now be stored as part of the URL.  This allows users to use their browser navigation (back and forward buttons) to view the same previously-viewed filter and to bookmark/share links for particular table filters.  


  • We have modified the legend for the Charting interface to be placed on the bottom of the chart and to include information such as site name, component node id and equipment, dc size, and sum/max calculations from the data in the chart.    

LocusNOC 2018.01.24 Release


  • String Performance Alerts have been added to platform.  Please see the help article for more information.  


  • Configurable Overview - users can now click the gear icon in the upper right of the Overview table to select which columns are displayed within the table.  This setting is configured per user.  

  • Performance Index Previous Hour added as an optional Overview column.  This column loads separately from the rest of the table and will allow users to see the ratio of Measured to Modeled Power over the most recent complete hour.


  • Printing from a Dashboard will now result in a PDF print that is formatted to 8.5" x 11" Portrait.  


  • As mentioned above, String Performance Alerts have been added as an available alert type.  A new icon has been added to identify these alerts and, if configured, they will now show up anywhere where alerts are shown on the platform. 


  • Included with the String Performance Alert release are additions to the Configuration forms.  First, the Data Fields tab from components that measure String DC Current will allow you to disable certain strings and to configure Normalized String DC Current, which is a prerequisite for enabling String Alerts.  Once this is complete, users will see String Performance Alerts as an available alert type in the Alert Settings form and can enable and configure this alert from there.   


LocusNOC 2018.01.11 Release


  • Improvements to batching of data calls by entity.  This will result in better performance for the Dashboard and Charting pages when plotting multiple data series for a single site or component.  


  • Addition of tooltip for Power and Irradiance fields describing the requirements for these columns.  


  • Dashboard Chart widgets can now link directly into the Charting page for further analysis.  Each Dashboard Chart widget now has a Charting icon in the upper right for this purpose.

  • Fleet and Group default dashboards now incorporate our Fleet/Group Summary widget, indicating Number of Sites, DC Capacity, and Lifetime Generation. 


  • Chart will load incrementally as data calls are returned from the API.  This improves the user experience, as users will no longer have to wait for all API calls to come back before viewing the chart.

  • The Search-Browse Pane and Data Available Pane will now clear out selections after a set of data series are added to the chart, improving the user flow for building more complex charts. 

  • Bug fix for intermittent overlapping-chart glitch. 


LocusNOC 2017.12.13 Release


  • EER, GEER, and IEER performance metrics have been added as available parameters within advanced search - Users can filter sites by setting min and max values for either of these three metrics using data from This Month or Last Month.


  • Fleet/Group Summary Widget - This widget currently works for fleet or group data and allows users to display site count, dc capacity, and lifetime generation across a set of sites.  

  • Quick Multi-select buttons added - Just as has existed in Reports and Latest Data in the past, we have now added these Quick Multi-select icons to our Dashboard Chart widget.  When configuring a new dashboard chart, hovering over a component will display icons that allow users to select sets of components with a single click.  Starting at the component selected, the first icon selects all components below of the same type (i.e. all inverters) that share the same parent component.  The second icon simply selects all components of the same type on that site, again starting from the selected component.  These tools are contextual to the position of the component in hierarchy, so select the top component in the hierarchy to select all entities in the list.  


  • New Multi-select Charting interface with improved performance.  We are very excited to announce the release of the new Charting interface.  This new interface is very similar to the previous charting interface but contains two major updates:  Multi-select capability and improved performance.  With these upgrades, users should be able to plot more data series in a single chart and do so much faster than before.  Users can also take advantage of the same Quick Multi-select icons now available in Reports, Latest Data, and Dashboard Charts to speed the creation of new charts even more.


  • 1-min granularity is now supported for Data Extracts.  For users wanting to pull data extracts at 1 minute granularity, this can now be done from within the Reports Data Extract interface.  This will be particularly useful during commissioning of new sites.  


  • Data Fields form has been added for all components.  This form is currently only supported for devices that measure String DC Current and allows users to ignore certain strings being reported by that component.


LocusNOC 2017.11.29 Release


  • Partner batch update forms - We have added two new partner-level forms (click on "Fleet" in Config): Agency Batch Upload and Energy Expectations Batch Upload. These forms allow you to update agency access and energy expectations for the whole fleet.  These forms already existed in SolarNOC. 

LocusNOC 2017.11.15 Release


  • LocusNOC link has been added for all SolarNOC users, officially making this a fully public release.  

  • This public release also includes added links within the HELP section for Documentation, Training Videos, our Status Page, a Feedback Survey, and these Release Notes.


  • Bugfix: Auto-refresh will now stay selected after the initial refresh.


  • Site Default Dashboards have been updated.  The set includes three defaults: Current Site Performance, Trending Site Performance, and Site Performance + Virtual Weather Data.

Latest Data

  • Site Latest Data will now show a value for DC Current String 01, if present.

LocusNOC 2017.11.01 Release


  • Bugfix: Zero values now display as “0” rather than “--”


  • Data Table Widget

  • Gauge added to Number Widget

Latest Data

  • Increase from 5 to 30 allowed components selected at once

  • Single-click multi-select added to Latest Data Search-Browse Pane


  • Alerts are now available at the Fleet level


LocusNOC 2017.10.26 Release


  • Geolocation, timezone and TMY3 station are now set in real-time when a user creates or updates a site. This applies to any way that a site is manipulated, including SolarNOC, LocusNOC and batch uploads. This should reduce VI or TMY3 related problems because of necessary fields not being set.


LocusNOC 2017.10.18 Release


  • Support for all world timezones throughout LocusNOC

  • Bugfix: Advanced search not always loading search results into Search-Browse Pane from pages other than Overview

  • Expand site for search results when only one site returned

  • One click 'X' to reset SBP to Fleet from selected group


  • Customizable Alert Widget - This new dashboard widget will allow users to add a list of alerts to any custom dashboard.  Open Alerts may be viewed as a table displaying each individual alert, or as a summary displaying a count of open alerts by type.  

  • Display character limit for Text widget

  • Display widget title length limit for all widgets


  • Bugfix: Alert Setting information not showing up correctly in Alert Analysis Pane


LocusNOC 2017.10.16 Release


  • 80% faster API calls for measured data within the past 31 days. Anything using the data API, such as Charting, Dashboards and the External API should load faster for these types of calls.


LocusNOC 2017.10.04 Release


  • All component types are visible from all pages - Before, we would abstract away certain conceptual components like PV arrays.  We now allow PV models to be applied to these conceptual components, so we show them throughout the platform.


  • IEER in Overview - The left two columns in the Overview page will now show GEER or IEER (IEER if configured for the site, otherwise GEER).  IEER can be configured in the forms for the site under "IEER Settings"


  • Text Widget - This new dashboard widget will allow users to pin formatted text to any custom dashboard using text formatting called Markdown.  For example, one could post site notes about scheduled downtime and external links such as camera feeds.

Latest Data

  • Fix alignment issues on site-level data list - We've aligned the data columns better in the Latest Data page.


  • Improved performance for loading the alerts page


LocusNOC 2017.09.21 Release


  • Direct login to LocusNOC can now be enabled for specific users.  If you would like to set your account(s) to login directly to LocusNOC, please contact your Locus Account Manager or


LocusNOC 2017.09.19 Release


  • PV Model Rollup added.  PV Model Rollup allows users to configure sites or components to rollup the PV Model from children components in the hierarchy.  For example, you could configure the PV Model for the Inverters and roll these values up to the meter and/or site level.  This can be particularly useful in certain sites with multiple orientations.  In order to rollup a PV Model, do not configure the PV Model of the parent component and the modeled values will automatically rollup from the children components.  We do recommend configuring the model at each component and at the site when possible, as the performance of the data requests is better in this case.  

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